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i wouldn't want anyone to think i've got something against pink. or even tassels. or even pink tassels. just lampshades.
in fact, if you study the scale above you can see just how much i like pink. the two black pointers show the range of pink i really like. the little grey pointer shows the additional range of pink i quite like.
 i think you'll agree, that's a pretty wide range of liking pink.
however, if you examine the picture right, you'll see a kind of pink i don't like much. oh i don't mind the colour (which is red anyway) - i mind its particular pinkishness.
incidentally, pink is a remarkably versatile word.
dictionary.com gives 15 definitions: that's eight nouns, four verbs, two adjectives and an idiom. wow.
pink. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved June 01, 2007, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pink