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if nextdoor's cat was a person not a cat and if it played loud music instead of crapping in my yard, it'd get an ASBO.
but it's a cat. it's not even nextdoor's cat, it's overtheroadandupabit's cat. and it's taken to taunting me.
it sleeps under my car. it saunters out, real slow, when i start the engine, and then kinda glides away, warning me with its wriggly hips.
it's wriggly hips say this: yeah sucker, run me over one day. no-one will believe it was an accident. they'll know it was a professional whack because of the crapping thing.
i can't get into my car now without checking underneath it thoroughly. next door think i'm under-going some kind of terrorist psychosis. overtheroadandupabit don't even know the psychological torture their cat is causing.
i think he's doing it because i rescued a toady-froggy thing from him late one night. perhaps he'll forget about it soon. how long is a cat's memory?