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I heard something on TV on Tuesday about over-population, I think it was titled 'Having large families is an "eco-crime"'. Should be floating around The Times website if you want to check it out.
I mean eventually there's not gonna be enough room for us all to live, but there's this guy called Paul Watson who thinks the world's population should be reduced from 6billion to 1billion; he doesn't seem to have any plans on how to do that though, kinda like the guy you talk about. I think it's a bit extreme to be 'cutting down' on kids, or the population as a whole, but eventually it's gonna be a whopping big issue, but is it really our problem right now?
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yoo RITE!! Gotta lotta crazy gnawledje. Looky here: Whether U obtain morality4mortality to wiseabove or just glean tantalizing specimens 4 thy next, best seller... yes, yes, I do realize my penname is quite morbid, yet, you shall find on our 22ish blogs a lotta (subliminal) moxie which has taken this sinFULL mortal yeeers to accumulate N compile. Whew. Literally yeeeeeeeeers. Yeeeeers upon yeeeeers. Nevertheless, my just N fair liege, I lay it all out for you, dear, with onomatopoeia, All-Star-Oxygems... Q: Why else does a moth fly from the night to a bold, attractive candle Light? A: Dont let His extravagant brilliance be extinguished, earthling. You're creative, yes? Then, fly-away with U.S. to the antidote. I looove to giveth unto thee ideas - thots you never thot of: the picturesque protagonist, par excellence, the non-perishables, the luxurious ditzy-glitz, generous, undiluted expansion of the bizarre. Yes, dear, the epic endorphins - an open door2an onomatopoeia vernacular, a high-flying, barnstormin summersaults, toxic firewurks from yeee-haw KS taking YOU in a completely new direction than where you had originally planned!! O! the mind doth boggle... |
December 2001
1 et praeparavit Dominus piscem grandem ut degluttiret Ionam et erat Iona in ventre piscis tribus diebus et tribus noctibus