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“blue skies, nothing but blue skies from now on.”
i switch on the television innocently to catch the news and there it was: bing crosby singing, “i’ve never seen sun shining so bright, never known things going so right, blue skies….” if I was paranoid or psychic I might have sworn it was a plot.
here was i believing that ‘blue’ and ‘sky’ had something to do with clarity and truth, a divine quest, a journey of the soul - oh how we love to fool ourselves! the hollywood dream machine already had it wrapped up and tied with a big silk bow.
this isn’t exploration, - “and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time” - this is escapism. i hadn’t been mapping a journey only planning a jailbreak. i’m digging a tunnel of vision in a place where there is “no water only rock”. and the clear blue line is no more than the proverbial hope of ‘light at the end’.