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now i don't know about you but there's always something a bit tee hee hee about blowing up condoms like balloons.
well i bring this up now because a girlfriend of mine once did it in the middle of a job interview. she also stretched some out and stuck them to the wall.
it was all in the best possible taste (needless to say). they asked her what work she had been doing with young women and she told them she had been teaching them about safe sex.
they asked how she did that and she said the aim was to get them using condoms and to get them used to handling them and to take away the tee hee factor. she did this by blowing them up in groups and stretching them and sticking them to the walls etc etc. and the girls would all laugh a lot while they were learning stuff.
and she reached into her handbag and showed the interview panel exactly what she meant.
the point is, she got the job. so, like, safe sex is not just about not getting diseases or pregnant, it can also get you a job.
makes you think doesn't it?