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there's something about grazing food that is much better than sitting down and eating at a table, y'know?
i don't know whether it's about tuning in to that hunter, like, gatherer instinct or something kinda surreptitiously rewarding about pecking.
now, sitting down at a big table of food is a bit daunting mostly, it feels like a chore to get through it with at least a nibble of most stuff to say you've been there somehow.
but hunt and peck through cupboards and the fridge or most especially new big bags of shopping with a crisp here or a twiglet there, p'raps dipped into the jar of honey or tried out in the new hot chocolate powder just to see.
well i got to wondering about whether all of life was like that. whether life was like a bag of shopping with different nibbles that mostly don't work together but you try out anyhow.
if it is, how much better than settling down to a big table of life and trying to swallow it all at one sitting.