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this came to me from a long time ago and i just wanted to say thank you to patti for writing it.
in my nose is the taste of sugar and i got nothin' to hide here save desire
patti smith: piss factory
there's something about grazing food that is much better than sitting down and eating at a table, y'know?
i don't know whether it's about tuning in to that hunter, like, gatherer instinct or something kinda surreptitiously rewarding about pecking.
now, sitting down at a big table of food is a bit daunting mostly, it feels like a chore to get through it with at least a nibble of most stuff to say you've been there somehow.
but hunt and peck through cupboards and the fridge or most especially new big bags of shopping with a crisp here or a twiglet there, p'raps dipped into the jar of honey or tried out in the new hot chocolate powder just to see.
well i got to wondering about whether all of life was like that. whether life was like a bag of shopping with different nibbles that mostly don't work together but you try out anyhow.
if it is, how much better than settling down to a big table of life and trying to swallow it all at one sitting.
i heard on the radio about a man who only had memories for less than a second after he'd been ill and hurt his brain.
if he had a chocolate in his hand and covered it up, every time it was uncovered he had a new chocolate. he got upset because he kept wondering where the chocolate came from.
i heard something on the radio about planting things at certain times of the moon.
i heard these things and i got to wondering. i got to wondering about whether there was such a thing as species-specific memory or cultural memory.
we all get, y'know, so arrogant it seems to me about progress and inventions and stuff and we think of them cave dwellers who lived in, like, 1960 or something as being so dim, y'know?
well perhaps them peasants of 1200ad or something actually knew a few things about some stuff. just may be.
and may be we got our heads so far up our porche boxsters that we don't even know how to tune into those memories no more.
today's handkerchief is:

it's so sad to return to the old themes but sometimes, if nothing has changed, you just have to say it again until someone listens, y'know?
today i listened to nicky campbell on radio five live and he was talking about the layers of truth in the palestine and israel area that made having an opinion so difficult.
well i'm sorry nicky, but an f16 firing a rocket into a house and killing 15 people - the news says 8 of them children - isn't about "layers of truth".
it strikes me as being about state-sponsored, hi-tech murder. and, mr campbell, it's the state-sponsored bit that probably makes the difference.
the pilot in that f16 wasn't a suicide bomber who had been "brainwashed" into giving his life for allah. he is a professional, trained, state-employed person who operates a multi-million pound people-killing machine.
tonight that pilot will not be in paradise with his god, he will be in his home with his family eating his tea. he was only carrying out the orders of his government, which is led by mr ariel sharon.
and so i say again, when oh when is someone going to arrest ariel sharon for murdering palestinians?
so why is there no link for this story? because i was going to link to a bbc news story but the headline said: "Israel kills Hamas leader". the second paragraph said "at least 15 people killed, including eight children".
the 11th paragraph said "about 140 people were injured in the attack".
dear mr greg dyke, here's how the story should have been written:
Israeli jet kills 15
Eight children are among 15 people killed in an Israeli jet-launched missile attack in Gaza City.
140 people are injured and more are believed to be buried in the rubble.
it's ok because why? because it's, like, a record, y'know? they didn't write these dirty words they just took pictures of what other people wrote.
so it may not be ok to write words like shit, fuck, piss and cunt on here because, y'know, this isn't art it's just some stuff i wrote but if it's, like, a record of the time it's different somehow.
anyway, i went to look at the dirty words pictures in the serpentine gallery and it was upsetting the guests, y'know?
well don't go in is what i say to them that got upset, and don't walk around any city in the world either because that's where the words are from.
i also say this: thank you gilbert, thank you george, you made me think some stuff.
nice men, huh?
serpentine gallery
angry brigade
gilbert and george
you know those snow storms you get in those little bottles that you have on your dressing table with all the combs and brushes and candles and make up and stuff? well i've been thinking about them.
i got to thinking about when you jiggle them and all those little fake flakes of snow go swirling about like white flurries of truths cast in a wind of water.
it's like that cottage in there, with the fir tree and perhaps the snowman or the santa on the roof, are obscured by this swirl of unconnected truth.
and after a while all those little truths settle down again through an easy wind to a downy flake. they curl once about the house and fall asleep.
after all the tumult and flurry, here we are again, where we started out, all snug and warm - and probably believing that the next shake of the bottle will be so twee and purdy even though we know in our hearts of the frostbite and tears in the swirl of truths as they turn to a blizzard of lies.
listen: there's something i'm worried about. you know i've said language fails us, well you and me may just be content with that, but some people are at least trying to put things right.
i mean, people in business can't just sit on their bottoms and let things be that way can they? they are in business after all.
so they have been inventing new words and phrases to, like, help people.
they have words like reengineering and total quality management and 360 degree feedback and brown-paper workshops. all this is important stuff because otherwise how would we, like, bring in the sheaves?
and another thing, people who make these words and phrases also make money out of sharing them with other businesses who kinda pay to have them.
see? i told you these business people were cleverer than me and you.
total quality management, reengineering
i remember once that a comic had a series about future shocks where stunning things would happen that were ordinary in the future but shocking to us in, like, the present day, y'know?
well the other day i got to talking with someone about future shocks because it was his job to make sure there weren't any. if he sees something coming, he has to, like, make sure no one is shocked. 'cept he just does it about coffee.
some people grow coffee and some people sell it and some people buy it. his job was to make sure the people who buy it and sell it to other people don't have any shocks. and they give him a lot of money so they don't have to have any nasty surprises from the people who grow it.
that's a nice thing isn't it?
2000AD online
it being one of those days, today i learned about a lot of things.
i went to a special place where you learn stuff about the nature of, like, everything there is to know, y'know, starting at the basics.
and so i found out about earthquakes and volcanoes and dinosaurs and insects (arthropods and arachnids as well) and also, like, the earth its very self, y'know?
and, guess what? i found a link.
as different as all these things are, i spotted something that puts them all together.
y'know, when it gets down to the meaning of life, it's about pressing buttons and things lighting up.
that was the clue to learning stuff and i'm not sure anyone else has noticed it, but it's definitely true.
natural history museum
i've been throwing some stuff out and keeping other stuff and one of the things i'm going to keep is halographs.
but i've been struggling to come up with a definition. so far i'm settling for "virtuous graphic poem". virtuous, of course, relates to the halo which is really the envoy.
i've also been working on ways of displaying halographs as plain text.
how about this one:
Shit food
of course, the problem with this is that really the number of compendia (guns, empire etc) in the true halograph is not necessarily the same as the number of letters in the catalyst (BURGERS).
halographs - where it began
so look, i found these people on the web and what i have to ask them is this: "how come you think complacency is about running a company?"
i mean, we got all these televisions (and some people got one in every room!) but there are hundreds (may be thousands) of people in the world who don't even got one!
now people come up to you in the street and want to sell you a magazine or something (like, what's wrong with a newsagent dude?) and i get so cross.
i mean, they want a cup of tea or something for your spare change but there's people in like, south korea having to watch television in the street because they haven't got one.
y'know, i want to say to these people, get some sense of priority won't you?
conquer complacency
ok, so i know this is getting obsessive...
but let me introduce you to archie. he's my all-time favourite f-hole archtop electro acoustic...so far..
looks kinda like a new bride doesn't he?
and ain't that an unhealthy thought.
how cool is that!
my new toy (and of course amongst my right stuff).
yeah, yeah, the action is shit up near the squeaky notes and i know the tremolo means it goes out of tune quick.
but this is a genuine 1967 vox duotone tremolo thingy with the original little aerial type socket instead of a, like, proper jack socket.
like i said, how cool is that?