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Listen: All of this happened, more or less, or did it? I don't know any more. It's just a fucking blur with people living and dying in different perspectives. And if that's not real then what the fuck is?
You're just gonna have to listen more carefully. Jeez, try to understand, goddamit. If it didn't happen for real why did T leave her husband and two children to live with Niteclub Deejay? Why did kike make Makani Noho leave his wife. Why did ck start going to church? And what the fuck did Luli do with my Bluesharksfin Roller with wire wheels and go-fast stripes?
All of that most definitely is true. Except the wire wheels, which were really alloy designed to look like wire sports wheels. Okay, I admit it, they were cheap.
Tara was the one definite example of death, apart from a dog. I know the dog died because I shot it. It was a merciful release. Many people were lost, feared dead, but Tara's story is different. It's true, I think.
Christ, there was even one story of some poor fucker being hunted down and hacked to pieces with machetes. But that story lacks cohesion. No-one ever told me why they should spend such time hunting him down. But ghosts, there were certainly ghosts. And demons.
Of course, the whole thing was riddled with drink and drugs. Drink, drugs and every kind of sexual behaviour. Every now and then someone would try rehab but the fucking idiots had no idea what their problem was. How the fuck could they?
None of us stood a fucking chance. We were toast from the word go. That's why it got so bloody. Some people caught glimpses of the truth and just went on the fucking rampage.
So why fight it? Luli tried and look what happened to her. mandi tried, failed, Honey failed. I think Makani Noho tried to convince Iwalani to stop but by then it was too late. Listen they were all on a road to god knows where and they didn't even know it yet. Any who did just seemed to grit their teeth, point their Zero fighters to the decks and go for it. Big time. Kaboom! They knew it was coming, they just didn't give a fuck any more.
Listen: In the beginning God created Candyland and he saw that it was good. So good that he divided it between the light and the dark. But that comes later, much later. Shit, if you're going to believe this then I have to try to lay some order over the goddam chaos....
This is an extract from a first-person journalism piece in progress about internet chat.