send feedback
the peer-to-peer review project is designed for bloggers; people who have an online journal or diary.
Black Hole (You're Sucked Ha,ha, ha...)
well i like this eclectic kind of stuff don't i? kinda stream-of-consciousness, electric-kool-aid-acid-test, new-journalese-esque kinda stuff. now I don't know about blowing up a dog's asshole, but i think it makes some kind of statement about the futility of life and the paradox of polarities.
i especially like the laid back, turf and compost, design with big clear font. makes me wanna read rather than throw up, yes? and i like the name, Black Hole (You're sucked Ha,ha,ha..).
can't say i was, like, a HUGE fan of the three little pigs story, but i like the limerick and the sandwich blog which i guess is kinda post-modernish in its outlook, straight outa kafka, y'know?
so is anyone ever gonna read this crap? the crap on Black Hole and the crap on God's Own Country? or are we all blowing up dogs' assholes? y'know what honey? i think they are gonna read it because you know for why? because blowing up dogs' assholes is a step up the evolutionary chain for most of you.
everything is written by jose dominguez and as it's a very, kinda, personal view the writing has a consistent voice. i like that. consistent voice is something a lot of lying bastards out there can't achieve, is it angels?
sadly, there's only about a dozen or so entries in Black Hole so it's in its infancy really. oh and i guess from the spelling jose is american.
so the verdict? keep writing jose. it don't much matter none whether you think you got anything to say, what matters right now is exercising the right to say something before they take it offa you forever.
how patronising is that?
Black Hole (You're Sucked Ha,ha,ha..)
peer-to-peer review project
i lived in a place called okfuskee
and i had a little girl in a holler tree
i said, little girl, it's plain to see,
there ain't nobody that can sing like me
there ain't nobody that can sing like me
she said it's hard for me to see
how one little boy got so ugly
yes, my little girly, that might be,
but there ain't nobody that can sing like me
ain't nobody that can sing like me,
way over yonder in the minor key
way over yonder in the minor key
there ain't nobody that can sing like me
we walked down by the buckeye creek
to see the frog eat the goggle eye bee
to hear the west wind whistle to the east,
there ain't nobody that can sing like me
there ain't nobody that can sing like me
oh my little girly will you let me see,
way over yonder where the wind blows free
nobody can see in our holler tree
and there ain't nobody that can sing like me
and there ain't nobody that can sing like me
her mama cut a switch from a cherry tree
and laid it on to she and me,
it stung lots worse than a hive of bees
but there ain't nobody that can sing like me
ain't nobody that can sing like me
now i have walked a long long ways
and i still look back to my tanglewood days
i've led lots of girls since then to stray
saying, ain't nobody that can sing like me
ain't nobody that can sing like me
woody guthrie
today's handkerchief is:

well, here's something i got to thinking about, like, what makes the middle east in the middle?
i kinda got to thinking about that and this is what i thought - it's because we're here and far away from us is, like, far, so i guess the people in the middle must be in the middle.
but what if we were there, we would be middle to where we are now and the people who are far to us now would be middle to us as well and the only fars would be between our two middles. cute huh?
and we would be middle to them. so on either side of us would be middles and we would be middles to them.
that would make the whole planet, like middle earth, yes? and then isn't middle earth something, like tolkien or stuff. so all we'd have to decide is whether ariel sharon is gandalf or sauron.
just in case he's the latter rather than the former, i guess someone ought to arrest him for murdering palestinians.
so i started to wonder why the tanyas thought the littlest birds sang the prettiest songs and i kinda got to thinking about pieces of candy on a wire. and i wondered whether the prettiest birds sang the littlest songs. and, you know what? i guess they do.
oh, susannah
i come from alabama with my banjo on my knee
i'm goin' to louisiana my own true love for to see
it rained all night the day i left
the weather was bone dry
and the sun so hot i froze to death susanna don't you cry
oh susanna don't you cry for me
i come from alabama with my banjo on my knee
well i had a dream the other night when everything was still
i dreamed i saw susanna comin' down the hill
a buckwheat cake was in her mouth a tear was in her eye
said i'm comin' from the south susanna don't you cry
well i soon will be in new orleans and when i do arrive
i'll go and find susanna if she is still alive
and if i do not find that girl i will surely die
but when i'm buried in my grave susanna don't you cry
now, i ask you, is that about the paradox of polarity or what?
the be good tanyas - listen
only in the past
blitzkreig bop
havana affair
beat on the brat
today's handkerchief is:

this place is hell to me
with the devil in my bed
and the devil in this bottle
and the devil in my head
i'll meet you in heaven again
if you wear that dress again
(i'll have one more drink, my friend)
where my heart is kept on ice
and prayers burst into flames
prayers on fire
i am the king. i am the king. i am the king.
one dead marine through the hatch
scratch and scrape this heavenly body
every inch of winning skin
there's garbage in honey's sack again
honey honey honey honey honey
come on and kiss me
honey honey honey honey
honey-child's takin' over this place
two dead marines standing in a line
drink to me! this heavenly body
every inch a winning thing
honey honey honey etc
hack hack hack hack this heavenly body
yack yack yack yack yack goes junk-face
scratch scrape
scratch scrape this winning skin
there's garbage in honey's sack again (x 3)
garbage in honey
garbage in honey
garbage in honey's sack again (x3)
junk in honey's bunk again
junk in honey
junk in honey
junkyard king junkyard king
i've been thinking about this: once upon a time there was all this talk about satellite tv and broadband and copper cables and a magick something called "the return path".
now there was a lot of talk about that, because it meant there was no way to, like, interact and that's not a good thing. but now, mostly, they fixed it by putting in another telephone and so we got sky interactive. interact with the sky, huh? kinda spookie.
anyway, it got me thinking again. and what i got to thinking was: yes, everyone needs a return path, that, like, bit of magick, y'know? but return from where to what?
y'know, for ariel sharon it ought to be a return to humanity through the path of being arrested for murdering palestinians.
today's handkerchief is:
i been thinking about this article in the times that says that the retail price index will no longer include things like looseleaf tea and stock cubes and pipe tobacco and good ole doorstep-delivered glass bottles of milk.
the times and me, we were, like, wondering whether this was kinda like a threat to the great british way of life because now we have teabags and milk cartons and dodgy baccy from abroad.
and i was worried. but then i got to thinking this: we will still have a class society and, like, racism, and that empire mentality, we'll still be the biggest money-laundering operation in the world, we'll still have, like, the royals. so perhaps the british way of life isn't really changing after all. phew.
so i doubt we're about to send troops to arrest ariel sharon for murdering palestinians.
passing tea leaves
the angel of the north
phew. perhaps too tired to post today.
meantime, don't suppose anyone has arrested ariel sharon for murdering palestinians? let me know.
today's handkerchief is:
just in case you're interested, this is, like, the place to sign up to get e-mails from this site. makes life easier for some of you, yes?
this could be a way to find out the moment ariel sharon is arrested for murdering palestinians.
the holy babel
today's handkerchief is:

check 1...check 2...check 3...
word about now! right now!
ten to doomsday, moving fast...
heads up! mind that blast
no time to sleep, it's def con one
can't get no sleep as the ticking ticks on
no time for fear, it's def.con.one
no time to eat so get me some
big mac, fries to go...
get me big mac, fries to go...
get me big mac, fries to go...
get me big mac, get me fries to go...
we love you all...
hup! hup! heads up!
ground floor coming up...
vote doctor doom!
"confidence is high, repeat, confidence is high."
how sick is dick? how gone is ron?
how sick is dick? how gone is ron?
what's the time? it's def con one...
say, what's the time? just get me some
you know it makes sense
vote doctor doom
"you're travelling to another dimension
a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind
your next stop...the twilight zone"
def def def def con def con one
goodbye city, hello moon
hands up! "it's the only choice..." - it's def con one
vote dr. doom!
"you know it makes sense"...
it's def con one
hey! what's occurring? what goes on?
"it's the only choice..." - so get me some
to the left y'all, to the right y'all
to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right
ps but is there time to arrest ariel sharon for murdering palestinians?

just in case you weren't aware, this is what an israeli terrorist looks like.
sometimes it can be, like, a bit tough to know whether someone is a terrorist or a soldier. there's been lots of talk about that one.
here's how can you tell this one is a terrorist: look very carefully at the tank, see the tank tracks? see the road the tank tracks are on?
well the united nations says that this tank is illegally on that road. see? it must be a terrorist because it's killing people in a place the whole world says it shouldn't be.
and if that's not enough reason to arrest ariel sharon, how about arresting him for murdering palestinians?
israel keeps pressure on arafat
today's handkerchief is:

america, america i love you for the children that you are but you should not be playing with those big guns.
i am endeared by your adolescent self-belief, by your rotten food and the way you spend money in frantic leaps and turn wealth into cheap garbage.
september 11 was a mad, bad, sad day. so cruel for children to suffer so much hurt. i hurt with you, shared your grief.
but alongside, i felt there was a new-born hope rising from ground zero, a hope that america would wake up and would lead from the front as you always promise to do.
but no. you have not done it, you will not do it, perhaps you cannnot do it. wake up america, please. this is not about the world understanding you, it is about you understanding the world. it is about you understanding the world and being able to fulfil the leadership role you relish.
you cannot be adolescent any more. adulthood comes from the fall of the twin towers but still you play with the world as a toy.
wake up america, wake up americans, you have much to learn and the world needs you to understand.
and for god's sake america, arrest ariel sharon for murdering palestinians.
america is not a hamburger
america (video)
today's handkerchief is:
apparently our foreign secretary knows that there is, like, "overwhelming and compelling" evidence the american regime is developing weapons of mass destruction.
y'know, jack straw ought to tell the old house of commons at questionable time the international community's most pressing demand is for america to admit united nations weapons inspectors.
the regime "represents a severe threat to international and regional security as a result of its continuing development of weapons of mass destruction", he ought to add.
meanwhile, has anyone arrested ariel sharon for murdering palestinians?
evidence on weapons
today's handkerchief is:

mostly i don't like to talk about stuff when i don't know much about it, y'know, like football or particle physics. and i don't know much about india but i'm guessing that burning children has to be at least a bit wrong.
in this case then i'm just going to think what salman rushdie says, because, mostly, he's about right.
oh, and as a second thought, isn't it about time someone arrested ariel sharon for murdering palestinians?
poison in india's blood
so i got to thinking about this and wondered what you thought about it as well: this here school in gateshead has teachers saying that genesis oughta be taught alongside evolution as a theory of why we're all, like, here.
well it's kinda like a old argument about whether life's been around on our planet for 4 billion years or about 10,000 years as 45% of americans believe.
it's hard to tell but lotsa scientists say it's the evolution thing that explains everything best. i don't know about much but i tell you this - i can't see evolution because i've not been here long enough but every time i look out of the window i see creation.
anyhow mostly what i've been thinking about is this - it's kinda interesting sometimes to have these debates about, y'know, head stuff but in the meantime hadn't ought someone arrest ariel sharon for murdering palestinians?
creation and evolution
israel descends into chaos
today's handkerchief is:

dear mr britvic, since purchasing your products i find that i have become disillusioned. you see, no sugar added is a bit of a marketing ploy isn't it? it means it's got aspartamine in it, or something like. and perhaps no-one has told you about that but it's not really a good thing.
i mean, like, it's ok to say something we think is bad is not in there, but it's not nice to put something else in instead. oh, and as for your natural spring water component...
sunny delight
welcome to britvic
i spect some of you are probly wundrin why the silence? well i guess it's one of two reasons: either i kinda like haven't got nothing to whinge about and everything is fine and just oh so dandy with the world or i been busy with other stuff. you decide.
anyway, thanks for all your e-mails and stuff, like, asking wot's been hanging and if everything is ok and, like, what the hanky has been for the last few days. god's own country is on it's way back, so no worries.
actually, i've been on a secret mission to find something out. part of it is in these halograph things that kinda popped up on the site. you should look at them, they explain a lot of, like, head stuff, y'know? look around and you'll see these halographs everywhere.
today's handkerchief is:

halographs are simple diagrams that attempt to explain an end state achieved when multiples of the same element are overlaid.
imagine two-dimensional patterns drawn on clear paper. as each new pattern is overlaid the view looking down is increasing confusing. if there are infinite patterns, the end state must be chaos. but it is a chaos paradoxically created by patterns.
the model works for any number of different applications and more examples will be online soon. newer versions include the inverted halograph (when a major "event" fires a "series" across a variable) and horizontal halographs.
if you feel inspired to produce your own halograph, please send it along for publication.
today's handkerchief is:

Listen: All of this happened, more or less, or did it? I don't know any more. It's just a fucking blur with people living and dying in different perspectives. And if that's not real then what the fuck is?
You're just gonna have to listen more carefully. Jeez, try to understand, goddamit. If it didn't happen for real why did T leave her husband and two children to live with Niteclub Deejay? Why did kike make Makani Noho leave his wife. Why did ck start going to church? And what the fuck did Luli do with my Bluesharksfin Roller with wire wheels and go-fast stripes?
All of that most definitely is true. Except the wire wheels, which were really alloy designed to look like wire sports wheels. Okay, I admit it, they were cheap.
Tara was the one definite example of death, apart from a dog. I know the dog died because I shot it. It was a merciful release. Many people were lost, feared dead, but Tara's story is different. It's true, I think.
Christ, there was even one story of some poor fucker being hunted down and hacked to pieces with machetes. But that story lacks cohesion. No-one ever told me why they should spend such time hunting him down. But ghosts, there were certainly ghosts. And demons.
Of course, the whole thing was riddled with drink and drugs. Drink, drugs and every kind of sexual behaviour. Every now and then someone would try rehab but the fucking idiots had no idea what their problem was. How the fuck could they?
None of us stood a fucking chance. We were toast from the word go. That's why it got so bloody. Some people caught glimpses of the truth and just went on the fucking rampage.
So why fight it? Luli tried and look what happened to her. mandi tried, failed, Honey failed. I think Makani Noho tried to convince Iwalani to stop but by then it was too late. Listen they were all on a road to god knows where and they didn't even know it yet. Any who did just seemed to grit their teeth, point their Zero fighters to the decks and go for it. Big time. Kaboom! They knew it was coming, they just didn't give a fuck any more.
Listen: In the beginning God created Candyland and he saw that it was good. So good that he divided it between the light and the dark. But that comes later, much later. Shit, if you're going to believe this then I have to try to lay some order over the goddam chaos....
This is an extract from a first-person journalism piece in progress about internet chat.
tonight i will get drunk
enough to scare roses
his cloud of red roses
on your table will run
like sheep from my drunken wolf
plucked one by one
from their flock
no feast for the
ravenous hunters
we are
today's handkerchief is:

work wank worry
wicked wide world
what when where
wild wild world
who what whenever
witches warlocks waifs
when will we?
why won't we?
which would we?
we won't wait
whether will whither?
weird wired world
well well well