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old people are useless because they don't spend anything any more. what is the use of a citizen who doesn't have a mortgage? who won't buy life insurance? who doesn't follow the latest fashion?
tell me, how many old people do you know who own a skateboard? think about it, it matters. yeah, sure, some of them have mobile phones but they don't text their mates all night do they? It's just for "emergencies". how can you sustain that as a revenue stream? listen, these people are retired. that means they don't work anymore. and if they don't work and they don't consume, what's the point of them?
according to the age concern site government figures say that more than half of the nation's single pensioners have net incomes of less than £90 a week.
a quarter of couples have net incomes of less than £135 a week. age concern england commissioned research to establish the incomes which older people need to avoid poverty and achieve an "acceptable" standard of living. the figures ranged from £99 to £125 a week for single people and from £149 to £184 for couples. pensioner poverty is aggravated by the low take-up of many means-tested benefits.
that means they are entitled to money but they are not getting it. so maybe, just maybe, if we could encourage these people to claim this money, they could become useful consumers again. you might even see one or two of them eating in McDonald's (for fun not nutrition).