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And so, I find, I write this down
In order to counter the demons
Of mediocrity that crawl
Unceasing like skeletons of control:
I will not be categorised by these rules.
My unique essence of life is sacred,
As your unique essence is sacred.
So, my children, write this down:
We are not born into rules
And must not listen to demons
That thread our lives, remote control
Freaks to make us crawl
To their call and crawl
To a unified picture of the sacred.
Do not fake the belief that control
Is required to keep down
An inherent evil or human demons
Which thrive without these rules.
Your heart is not a book of rules
To be memorised as fingers crawl
Over typed pages of “must not” demons
In uniform lines, defining the sacred.
Our spirit, our soul, will not be set down,
Will not bow to incipient control.
For there will be no contract of control.
We will not abide by the rules,
Not left, not right, nor up, nor down.
For no president, no government I crawl,
Who define for us the sacred
Or scare us with their demons.
I do not fear the chaos demons,
More the dread demons of control
Where the clause is held sacred
And we tramp in time to rules
At the pace of the slowest crawl
And all our being is held down.
Fuck the demons and their rules,
Refuse their control and never crawl.
We are sacred, write that down.